Let Jesus be your Rabbi

Treat scripture like you are illiterate and don't know how to read it. Treat it with such regard that you need someone else to show you how, and not just anyone, but someone who knows the craft extremely well! Approach even the most common verses you find as if you have never heard them before in your life. Invite Jesus to be your guide, your mentor, your rabbi! Put Him in the center of all you think, you see and believe. Focus your attention on Him. Look at Him extensively. See His nature. See His work. See His character. See His heart. Let Him capture your thoughts and fill every part. Take a good long gaze, look in His eyes, see the unconditional love that presides. See how He responds. See how He gives His life. See how He defeats evil with good and conquers darkness with light for this is what our God is like.

Settle the issue. Settle the game. Jesus Christ is perfect theology. Apart from Him you don't know a thing. You don't know what God is like. You butcher the reading of scripture every time and always fail to rightly divide. Every theologian on earth fell short of this. No one knows who God is, no one except for Jesus. If you want to see God, there is only one way, one truth, one life, look to the man Jesus Christ. He is the full expression of God. He reveals it all. There is no other hidden side that you will ever find. Jesus is it. He is the most accurate picture you will ever get. Without Jesus in sight, anything else you imagine will be a lie. Bring all thoughts to the obedience of Christ. Christ is God in human flesh. Read all verses with Jesus as your reference. Let Him bring out the text and the hidden meaning behind it. He is all in all. The beginning and the end. He is the lens in which all the scriptures begin to make sense, and He is the string that pulls together the entire thing!

Sit by His side and let His thoughts flood your mind. Let Him do what He does best. Let Him give peace to your heart and enter His rest. All strongholds and imaginations will begin to loose grip. On the cross, all contrary thoughts of God are fatally hit! God upon the cross is where all heaven and earth revolve around. It is the climax of where His divine nature is found. This is the event which restructures everything that will ever exist. All enemies of our souls are dethroned by this. He fulfills the prophets. He fulfills the psalms. He fulfills the violent texts and He fulfills the law. Even the violence testifies of His non-violent victory at the cross. He is brilliant and He is wise. In His incarnation He redefines. He fulfills the characters. He fulfills the stories. He brings God the ultimate and highest glory. He makes the journey never grow old. He even makes Leviticus a joy to behold! For in everything, it's Jesus you'll see in which is life and joy and liberty. There is no limit to discovering Him for the path He takes you on will never end!

In what ways do you think Jesus needs to reshape your theology? What verses do you find yourself imagining God as that does not align with the God revealed in Jesus? Why do you think this is and how do you think you should approach the passage?      
