David is a type and shadow of Christ whose name means "beloved" and Jesus is God's "beloved Son" in whom He is well pleased. David appears before Saul who was called "Israel's most powerful king" and whose name means "peaceful." So in 1 Samuel 17 we have Goliath meaning "Great" of the philistines meaning "hostile or indifferent or opposed to or of a different ethnic" opposing the king of peace as the great enemy of the people of God, a kind of satan and tempter and accuser. While everyone under the king cowered to the great giant Goliath and his taunts, David did not. 40 days of tempting and challenging, everyone would cave in and loose faith, but David's still remained. And Christ was tempted and tried by satan for 40 days but He did not give in and lose His faith. Our enemies are not flesh and blood but principalities, strongholds and imaginations that try to exalt themselves above the knowledge of God and Jesus is the knowledge of God. Satan is the great deceiver, tempter, the ruler of this worlds system, trying to pervert the image of God. Yet Jesus reveals God fully and completely and the enemy has nothing in Him.
The height of Goliath was 6 cubits and a span and His weapon was 6 hundred shekels, 6 being a symbol of "human imperfection, sin, satan, and weakness." David entered battle with his weapon consisting of 5 stones, 5 being the symbolic number of "grace." For Christ came full of grace and He conquered mans sin and cast down satan by His means of God's grace! His stones were smooth and from the brook, well worn and seasoned by running water, symbolic of the pouring of the Holy Spirit. For Jesus is the rock of our salvation and the One submersed in the Spirit of God.
Goliath was from the city of Gath which means the "wine-press." David faced that giant of gath alone, while Jesus also treaded the great wine-press on His own. He prayed in the garden atop the olive-press where His body was so agonized it was covered in blood sweat, His blood being the wine which will be poured out for mankind. One was chosen on behalf of the rest, David braved the giant for the others behalf while they held back. And Jesus embraced the cross for others by Himself while His fellowmen coward in the dark. David went out to battle with only God being with Him and he trusted in Him to grant the victory. It took one stone to kill Goliath, one symbolizing "unity and new beginnings." Jesus conquered in unison with the Father, for He was in Christ reconciling us to Himself. While Jesus said His followers would all forsake Him at the cross but the Father would be with Him, He trusts in God alone to vindicate Him and grant the victory. Jesus also gave Himself to create unity with us and births a new creation and a new beginning.
David struck Goliath in the head with the rock, the head being our mental capacities, where we think, imagine, process and believe. Being the enemy of peace, being the great strongman and deceiver, our minds were hostile towards God, our imaginations of God were vain, and Jesus crushes these wicked thoughts, vain imaginations, the strongholds, the wicked one by means of Himself (the Rock of salvation) by dying on the cross! He defeats darkness with light. He conquers evil with good. His non-violence defeats our violence. He crushes the head of the serpent in. Goliath thought he had David where he wanted him, but he didn't. As Satan's plan boomerangs and hits him square in the face. Goliath fell down straight to the earth, as Jesus saw satan falling like lightning from heaven to the earth. David then removes the head of the giant and Jesus removes that old nature/old man/evil alienated mindset from us and gives us the new man/the mind of Christ. Where we can now think as He thinks, be one in desire and unison with Him and no longer be deceived by the wiles of the enemy.
The comrades of Goliath/the enemies around witness this epic event of David's victory and flee, the strongman has been captured, the rest run in terror while the people of Israel chase them away. We join the victory of Jesus by chasing off all of sins stains, vain imaginations, strongholds and any ideas we have of God that does not align with what we find in Jesus who is the knowledge of God, the only way to God, by bringing them to the obedience of Jesus Christ. Anything that does no align with His character is chased away from our lives. We are in the promised land and no enemies shall remain.
The victor was to be given riches, freedom, and the daughter of the king. Jesus triumphant at the cross, He rose as the victor. He considered mankind a treasure, His portion, His bride, and the freedom He gained He would give to them. He beat the enemy hands down, and we get to share in His triumphant plan! We all had shrunk away and had no helpful hand to play, but gave His life for us anyway. Like the people doubted David and mocked Him and thought He was weak at first...we had mocked God at the cross, we all went our own way, yet the weakness of God is greater than mans strength. When David conquered the giant the people began to celebrate him, as Jesus conquered and we celebrate Him and glorify His name. He has proven Himself to be true and worthy of our trust. We can believe Him, embrace a new way of thinking and believing and follow in His ways. He is the way and the wisdom of God. Now we chase off all fearful unbelief and contrary things that oppose Him and His kingdom of self-giving love and sacrifice. He has captured our hearts by His bravery and humility. The enemies of our souls cannot stay. He has made us more then conquerors, for He conquered for us and then gave us the victory!
What are your thoughts about David and Goliath? What other similarities do you see and in what ways do you think David might be symbolizing the finished work of Christ?
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